Nikon D600

I got this D600 to be my beloved M9's low light support, paired with a Sigma 50mm/f1.4 HSM(a.k.a. Sigmalux). The mighty internet says that D600 has dusty sensor problem and Sigma 50's focus are most likely out of adjustment. From what I can tell, Sensor and images look clean so far but the Sigma is slightly back focus. 10 minutes with in-camera focus adjustment took care of it (-14) and it's now pin sharp.

It's quite a joy using it. It's not overbuilt like Nikon's pro grade cameras, but I am happy enough with its size, weight and handling. The major reasons for me to get a D600 over others is its sensor (internet says it's the same sensor as of Sony RX1, which I am impressed by its IQ) and form factor. Its ISO12800 files are way more usable than M9's ISO1600 ones, which I hate to admit.


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